I was so sad when DH said no new kitties until Angel passes. So he bought me Princess. She is a long haired, tan and white, purebred Persian. I don't know how she and Angel will get along. They have already met once but Angel just sniffed at Princess then took a few steps back and walked around and past her. I don't think Princess was offended. She just stood there and meowed. Princess also does a lot of purring, kneading, walking and of coarse, sleeping. Maybe Angel will grow to love her as I already do.
posted on Oct 4, 2010 8:26 PM ()
She is an adorable little thing.
A Fur-Real friend? Very sweet! I've got 6 kittens ready to go to new homes next week...
We're going through that now, with Buddy the Only Cat. He is so possessive of Mr. Tbend I think Buddy would come unhinged if we brought in another cat. On the other hand, a Persian like your Princess would probably fit right in.
She's a cutie...and she will stay a kitten forever.
She's not real?
What a cutie! And no vet bills. Just occasional batteries.