

Matlacha, FL
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Teal's Modest Adventures

About Me

Retired from the New York Times. Non-professional ballet dancer creaking through private workouts, serious classical pianist, sketch artist of sorts, fulminator on issues, in-your-face essays, feisty but manageable. Mostly a nice person. From time to time, a fanged, shaggy carnivore.

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Recent Posts

Hi all, I've decided I will post more often because I have lost close friends, my sis is gone, my husband is in a wheelchair, and I am fatigued. When Ed goes anywhere important he wants me along. He s...
Hi all, My husband, Ed, complains about being constantly fatigued, not having the energy to walk more than a little way, and must use his cane. When he goes anywhere in his car, I go with him, and go ...
Hi all. My health has improved. I'm still seeing to Ed's musts. He can't walk very far but can get to his car. His forever ward is ill, so he drove to see her. He is very fond of her. She ignores me b...
Hi,It has been so long since I have posted, and so long since I have been in touch that I would be suprised if any of you give a rat's ass about my presence now.Ed, my husband, is a heart patient. He ...
Well, the saga of the refrigerator is done. Our handyman got his hefty crew together, they rolled the fridge out of the garage, around the house and onto the pool deck, and into the house through the ...
We got delivery of our new refrigerator this morning. The guys couldn’t get it through our inner doorway. We were willing to pay them to get it over the counter. They refused. They shut the wat...
Hello all,My 2009 Hyundai Sonata runs well and other than needing an interior cleaning looks great. New problem. A couple of weeks ago I couldn’t open the door to let myself out. So I crawled o...
Hi all,As if Ian wasn't enough, my most favorite cat, Max the Manx, swindled his way into our bedroom, and chased Juliet. I tried to grab him and get him away from her and he nearly took my arm off. A...
The power on our island has been restored and the internet is back. So we have left our hosts in Punta Gorda and have come home. The biggest project since being here is to clean out the refrigerator w...
The power on our island has been restored and the internet is back. So we have left our hosts in Punta Gorda and have come home. The biggest project since being here is to clean out the refrigerator w...
Hi group, We learned today from our pal Nadine, who lives down the street from us in Matlacha, that the power is back. We went into Cape Coral so that Sol could return the phone she bought to AT&T but...
Hello dear ones,Ed and I celebrated our wedding anniversary and my birthday on the 24th of September, two days early, because a hurricane was expected the following week. We went to Tarpon Lodge with ...
Hello children. I feel totally able to call you that because I am going to be 91 in two weeks. I know, it’s a bummer but way better than the alternative. The good news is I still look like my a...
My daughter Laura, and fiancé, Robert, were here for 5 days, leaving at 4 a.m. on the 28th. I got up to see them off. They were super helpful while here. Laura and I had a thing going – peri...
hello dear bloggersIt has been a long time since I have posted. Life’s events have overwhelmed me. Ed has congestive heart failure, a pacemaker that is dicey, a port installed that allows his c...