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Teal's Modest Adventures

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Hi all, My husband, Ed, complains about being constantly fatigued, not having the energy to walk more than a little way, and must use his cane. When he goes anywhere in his car, I go with him, and go into facilities and whatnot, to do his business. When we go into his bank, I wait in line and sometimes there are 12 people in front of me. $%$#@ I am getting a bit stronger, but must still do my "being Ed's legs" duty. I talk to my inner self every night before I go to bed. thank myself for keeping the fear and panic away. This was plaguing me until I started these talks. I'd wake up screaming. Many years ago, when the genius (not a joke, he was brilliant), my first husband, Jay, was ill for the first time, I would have nightmares. I'd also wake up and have huge hallucinations. So one day I looked in the mirror and spoke to my inner self, to wit: "I don't know what you think you're doing, but just remember, if I go, you go too," and that night the hallucination was really tiny. So I kept that in mind and, periodically, I talk to myself and it helps. I must have said so, but I remind everyone, that Jay died in 1992. I keep his photo on my piano, my "poet's corner". I named it after the one in Westminster Abbey in London where the body of Handel (the composer) is buried. xx, Teal

posted on Dec 9, 2023 6:38 PM ()


You've been an exercise role model for me, with your ballet leaps and such. My sisters always tell me the best thing for my knees is to get them moving, even when they're sore. And I think talking to yourself is a great idea.
comment by drmaus on Dec 11, 2023 2:07 PM ()
Geez, I know how it is. Donna refuses to exercise so she progressively becomes less able to walk. So I pick up her meds (she refuses to use mail order) and do most of the shopping. Naturally I have to go to the mailbox and that sort of thing. But I refuse to let my knee pain stop me, so I keep doing. For Ed's sake, stay well.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 11, 2023 11:43 AM ()

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