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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > More Things Awry

More Things Awry

We got delivery of our new refrigerator this morning. The guys couldn’t get it through our inner doorway. We were willing to pay them to get it over the counter. They refused. They shut the water off to install the old fridge in the garage. They left without turning the water back on. Sol came and turned it back on, and also needed to turn it on under the sink in the kitchen. When she did that, the valve broke off and the kitchen started flooding. So we shut the water to the whole house off. Called two plumbers and couldn’t get through. Called our handyman who is a super fixer, and still waiting to hear from him. He said he’d come take a look at our refrigerator problem in “a couple of hours”. That was about an hour ago.

Returned a call to Pine Island Auto. My car doors are fixed. Price, 569.68. Ed has to drive me there. We can’t leave before water and fridge problems are solved. So I can’t have my car till everything else is done. Ed is in a sour mood. I am Ms. Cheerful. I’m lying.

I wiped my face with a cleansing cloth and did my outside face. Don’t laugh. This is the New York me and I won’t give it up.
Meanwhile, I’m still using the old fridge which is now in the garage. It is a pain in the butt to run out there for everything. I’m doing it. *&##$#@

Fran Handyman quoted us $1,000 to drain our pool, wash it with muriatic acid and refill it. We should get this done before January 1, when we will again be charged for water. We’re not being charged now. Still in the pool: aluminum piping from the gone cage, one of our steel patio chairs, a storage chest we were storing pillows in. The usual. Whenever I need to check anything outside I have to be super careful to be sure no cat is trying to follow me out. There is nothing to keep them from going walkabout and getting lost.

My arm that Max tore apart is getting better. I clean the wound every day, apply the cream I was given, re-bandage it. Ms. Florence Nightinfail.

Ed watching bad television (a Western, what else). Why should I get a break.

The really good news: we survived Ian. Our house is not destroyed, a pool cage can be bought. So many people living in abject conditions. We are so lucky, I can’t breathe.

xx, Teal

posted on Nov 3, 2022 8:52 AM ()


It's such good news that your house made it through and you are ticking along, although that time in the hospital sounds rough. Proof that you are resilient, the ultimate goal for any of us.
comment by traveltales on Nov 11, 2022 7:14 PM ()
comment by elderjane on Nov 4, 2022 5:44 AM ()

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