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Does anyone know how to check on Susil? She lives in range of the tornado damage......
My town sent 285 women to Washington, DC. There were many marches planned in communities around the area and another planned for downtown here. Pretty cool for Betsy Devos' hometown!...
Why isn't there a HELP button anywhere on the site? I can't log on unless I go through my password protection program. When I try through Safari, I get messages telling me I'm using the wrong password...
I've tried to add a photo to a post twice now and both times my iPad crashed. Any tips from anyone? I have lots of news and want to start posting again, but no photos are gonna be a pain.Anyway, it's ...
Cassie and Bella snuggling a few months after she came to me. In a farm pond in freezing weather! She was covered in burrs and mud by the time I got her back to the house. They were terrified of the ...
Two months and five days ago, Bella passed. Yesterday, I had to let Cassie go. I had taken her into the emergency vet clinic because she was sick and my vet wasn't available. Thursday night I had not...
I just think this is cool. Wish I could sing in one key, let alone harmonize with myself!...
I was coloring a map for Social Studies when the announcement came over the PA system. I remember crying for what seemed like all afternoon. I was wearing a wool skirt and it was really scratchy on m...
And some of us think our newscasts have gotten too graphic... A Czech news anchor was upstaged during a live broadcast last spring....
My heart is breaking. Bella died yesterday, Oct. 8, 2013. She was about 12 years old and silly and playful and very loving. She never met a person she didn't like - and was a natural at pet therapy. ...
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I can't access MyBloggers from my laptop when I'm at home.I use a Mac and switch between Firefox and Safari and neither will let me on.I hope that someone reading this might be a techie and give me a ...
I had a date a few weeks ago. It was the first real date I've had in nearly 20 years and the first time I've met someone from a dating site. There wasn't any spark, but I wouldn't mind going out with ...
This is a test"Aw I wish I'd said that." I don't know what the above is called but I've been trying to remember how to do it for a long, long time. I first saw it on Apositivepessimist's blog on Blogs...