CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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THE INFLUENCE OF THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY ON FAR RIGHT POLITICS AND HOW IT BEGAN: (Part 2)Just as Sarah Palin laid the groundwork for the fears of the far right concerning Barak Obama, Glenn Beck stirr...
THE INFLUENCE OF THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY ON FAR RIGHT POLITICS AND HOW IT BEGAN...(Part 1)Before they fell from favor, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin shared the spotlight as the darlings of the fanatical f...
Victoria and AlberttRulers, Partners, Rivals GILLIAN GILLThe Best Read I Have Come Across In A While Based On Historical Fact.It was the most influential marriage of the nineteenth century–and ...
Those of us who were so shaken by Cynthia's death now must face that her second little grandson has joined her in Heaven, all in the space of three months. Our grief is for this family that has been t...
I shared a pizza last night at Ci-Ci's with a most interesting man.  Turns out he is a thoraic/heart surgeon at Presbyterian Hospital here in Dallas.  One does NOT expect a doctor to be eating a...
I began teaching in the fall of 1967.  That first year I taught all sophomore English students.  I had some really great kids back then whose parents had reared them the right way.  Many of t...
It has been a long while since I have been here, so I thought I would just post an update.I got food poisoning about two and a half weeks ago and fainted in my bathroom. I hurt my leg; the x-ray showe...
Joe Scarborough, long-time staunch conservative Republican and host of the talk show on MSNBC, “Morning Joe”, opened his program yesterday by stating that for years he has defended the NRA...
Theproblems we have in dealing with the epidemic concerning the massmurders in our schools, theaters, and malls extends way beyondbanning assault weapons, though I do believe that is one piece of thep...
Did you know that the United States has the highest crime rate in the world? In fact, crime is so bad in the United States that we double the country nearest us.Did you also know that we far exceed an...
I am caught in the web of Decembers past this morning.  I seem not capable to think of anything but the sweet Christmas memories of my brothers and me as fresh-faced and shiny-eyed children on the ...
The famed Ricoleta Cemetery In The Heart of Beunes Aires, Argentina.The streets may not be paved in gold; but this is one of the priciest pieces of real estate in the world.  It is the famed La R...
Right now, Facebook and the internet are rife with jokes about the Petreus/Broadwell affair with most of the satire and puns directed toward the General.Someone else commented that when Paula Broadwel...
Conservatives are convinced that we sit perched at the edge of apocalyptic despair with the reelection of President Obama.  They just know he is moving us down the fatalistic road of a socialist pl...
Hurricane Sandy may have finally made believers of people that global warming is real. It seems to have definitely convinced the independent mayor of New York City that global warming is certainly mor...