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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Ricoleta--perhaps the Final Stop on My Bucket List

Ricoleta--perhaps the Final Stop on My Bucket List

The famed Ricoleta Cemetery In The Heart of Beunes Aires, Argentina.

The streets may not be paved in gold; but this is one of the priciest pieces of real estate in the world.  It is the famed La Recoleta Cemetery in Buenes Aires, a city within a city in the expensive Recoleta section of the city.
It has its own streets and alleyways and is a "must see" if you ever venture to Argentina.  Resting in its elaborate tombs are some of the country's most illustrious citizens, including Eva Peron and many of Argentina's former Presidents.

From above, one can see the skyline of Buenes Aires jextaposed next to the massive cemetery.  Strolling through the maze of detailed alleys, a person can’t help be feel slightly insignificant. The graves are quite remarkable, almost unnecessarily so. But money and fame talks, so it’s no surprise that securing a resting place in Recoleta is the ultimate validation that your life was meaningful.
 Sadly, down through the years, some of the tombs have been neglected, leaving the caskets exposed.   I can’t imagine I’d want tourists snapping photos of my tomb when I die, but this is the price one must pay to rest with Argentina’s elite.

Long, thin alleys through the cemetery of Argentina's rich and famous.

This large tomb has over a dozen family members resting together.

The cemetery is also home to a large number of cats who "watch over" the tombs.  Unlike most feral cats, they are quite friendly but a little spooky if you believe in reincarnation and spirits.

How can one not be impressed by such extravagance?

Though it may give one chills at times, its opulence and grandeur are such that it is worth a tour if an individual finds himself at loose ends and decides on a quick visit to Argentina to spice up his week.
And why not!  We only live--and die--once!

posted on Nov 18, 2012 10:41 AM ()


You post about such interesting things and places. I never knew about this before.
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 23, 2012 6:35 AM ()
A virtual and vicarious trip, eh? Argentina isn't in my bucket list.
comment by solitaire on Nov 23, 2012 6:31 AM ()
Unlike Ms. Teal, When I was in Canterbury, I felt thrilled knowing I was
walking around on Thomas Becket. I got my first kiss in a little small
town cemetery. I was eleven and a group of us were there on Halloween
night. That was many, many years ago but such a fun memory.
comment by elderjane on Nov 22, 2012 4:12 AM ()
I'm okay with cemeteries, well, less daunted. I am not okay with concrete looming over my head.
comment by tealstar on Nov 19, 2012 4:47 AM ()
Claustrophobic, then?
reply by redimpala on Nov 19, 2012 6:06 AM ()
I wouldn't like to walk amid those tombs. When I was in England and visited Westminster Abby, I was not spooked by the Poet's Corner were great artists are entombed beneath the marble, but when I stepped into the garden out one side door, there were two statues looming by the gate and I felt an enormous dread looking at them. In Florida, near Fort Myers, there is a huge area that was a Koreshan colony (cult that died out because they were celibate). This is a huge estate with many wooden buildings, their dwellings, their mill, their dairy building -- they were self-sustaining (except for the no-sex thing). Walking around those buildings evoked that same sense of dread I had in England. Can't explain it. Ed likes to take our guests there -- you can go without me, I always say.
comment by tealstar on Nov 18, 2012 6:09 PM ()
I really don't mind cemeteries. In fact, I rather enjoy strolling through them looking at the various tombstones. The only above ground cemetery I have ever visited was in New Orleans.
reply by redimpala on Nov 18, 2012 8:14 PM ()
What a waste of space and money (and cement)... these people are dead!!! If they were truly worth remembering, than preserve the memory, but don't spend tens of thousands of dollars on an ornate, extravagant, concrete or marble tomb. The place is impressive, yes, but primarily due to the over-indulgent creation of useless monuments to human ego. Have we learned nothing since the pharaohs???
comment by steve on Nov 18, 2012 1:17 PM ()
"Have we learned nothing since the Pharohs?" From the looks of this huge cemetery, I would probably have to say, "Very little." But these people are Catholic, and the Catholics do love their pomp and circumstance.
reply by redimpala on Nov 18, 2012 8:15 PM ()
What beautiful pictures, maybe better than visiting it. I especially like the one of the multiple caskets.
comment by troutbend on Nov 18, 2012 12:38 PM ()
Glad you enjoyed the virtual tour. I enjoyed reading about it and looking at the photos.
reply by redimpala on Nov 18, 2012 8:16 PM ()
I was there in 1973 and I was NOT impressed--sorry.
comment by greatmartin on Nov 18, 2012 11:17 AM ()
Aside from theater, does ANYTHING impress you, Martin?
reply by redimpala on Nov 18, 2012 8:17 PM ()

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