Angel and Princess were getting along so well. I was so proud of Angel welcoming little Princess into our home.
Here they are cuddled up together in my knitting chair.
Just when I thought we had nothing to worry about all He!! broke loose. Cat toys went flying everywhere.
At first I thought they were just playing.
Maybe Angel was just letting Princess know who is top dog in this cat family but she didn't have to try to crush poor little Princess' skull.
or try to suffocate her with that plastic bag.
Couldn't Angel see that Princess had adopted a submissive pose?
I don't dare leave them alone together. I could come home to Princess' dead batteries. We'll see how it goes tomorrow but if things don't improve we may have to get rid of Angel.
posted on Oct 5, 2010 11:16 PM ()
just hope you don't end up with a litter of little stuffed kittens in a few weeks
Angel knows she is top cat. I can tell by her expression.
Poor little Princess. But you wouldn't get rid of Angel now, would you?
Oh my goodness! You'd better hide little Princess when you leave. I think Angel is definitely asserting herself and Princess can't fight back nor run and hide.
Yes, for the sake of dear little Princess, Angel needs to learn who's really the main kitty in your house.