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Last Post on the Cat Hating Neighbour
Last Post on the Cat Hating Neighbour
Early in October a couple of police cars showed up at the house next door. They were there to do a wellness check as the CHN's daughter hadn't heard from her mother for some time and she couldn't get hold of her mother on the phone either. Shortly thereafter an ambulance arrived and the CHN's husband was helped out to the stretcher. His appearance was shocking. His usual military buzz cut hair was unbrushed and hanging to his shoulders. This usually fit looking man was stooped and rail thin. He passed away two days later. We have since heard he was diabetic and had been surviving on candy bars and store bought muffins. A policeman came to our door and informed us that the CHN had passed away and asked us when we had last seen her and if there was any animosity between the couple. When her obituary was published we were shocked to learn she had passed away in early September, a month before her body was found. For months we envisioned her lying dead in her bed and wondered where her husband had been sleeping. Today we found out she wasn't discovered in her bed but outside, naked, under the stairs to their side door. I can't believe I was entertaining guests while she was no more than ten feet from the side of my house. As disagreeable as the woman was, I never would have wished such a gruesome death on her.
posted on Jan 24, 2024 1:08 PM ()
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