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Coffee Maker
Coffee Maker
I finally got a replacement for my dead, Braun coffee maker. It was just what I was looking for. It was white and it takes cone filters. It's a basic, no frills Betty Crocker brand. The price was right too, only $18.00. I meticulously followed the manufactureer's instructions. I ran the coffee maker through it's cycle using plain water (no coffee). I washed the pot and filter holder in warm soapy water. The next morning DH made the coffee. First of all I must say I did notice the distinct oder of hot plastic when we switched it on to run the plain water through it the night before but I thought that was just because it was brand new. I was wrong. The longer the coffee maker was on the stronger the smell became. I drank my first cup and it was.....ok. I started to drink my second cup but found the coffee now tasted like the kitchen smelled. I poured the cup and the rest of the pot down the drain. Now I have to find some time to drive across town to return the stinking *literally* coffee maker. I'm not sure if I should ask for a replacment or demand my money back. Is there such a thing as a Made in Canada coffee maker? I'd be willing to pay $50.00 for one that's NOT made in China.
posted on Feb 19, 2008 8:30 PM ()
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