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Gettin' Healthy
Gettin' Healthy
At the end of last year I saw my new doctor for a prescription renewal of my blood pressure medication. Although I was only in the high end of the normal range he added a new drug to see if it could lower my BP even more. I took the two meds all January and kept track by recording my BP three days a week, which happened to be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It didn't seem to be making much difference until the last week. I started the month with a reading of 133/79 and ended the month with 109/63. On Friday, he told me that's excellent and to keep taking the two drugs.
I can understand my doctor's speech better now then when I first met him but when he says the word "medication" it still sounds like he's saying "vacation". I was all for it when he said he wanted me to go on a new
I sat in the doctor's waiting room for an hour before being shown into his examination room. I didn't mind. I had my knitting with me. What I did mind was the non-stop chatter, directed at me, by a patient across the room. I would have just ignored her incessant chatter but she sucked me in as soon as she sat down by complimenting my knitting; the colour of my yarn, the lacy stitches, the size of the project, the beautiful needles. Then she proceeded to tell me all about her mother who crochets for the shop in the hospital and how she's the one who stitches all of her mothers baby sweaters together and adds a blob of nail polish so the little ends don't pop out. I made the mistake of participating in her mostly one sided conversation and told her the shawl was for the local old folks home and everyone in the waiting room joined in with kudos for my generosity. At this point, I hoped she would turn her attentions on someone else but it was not to be. Then she started in about how great and wonderful Dr Craven was and how much she missed him since he retired. That was it! I couldn't take it any more so I told her I preferred the new doctor to Craven. She immediately turned into a zealot worthy of respect and admiration by Jehovah's Witness' the world over. As she tried her best to convince me of my misguided ways the cow next to her joined in saying how much better Craven was compared to the new doctor. I'm sure what would have followed would have made it into the local newspapers but it was at this point I was called into the doctor's exam room. Talk about great timing. I did get the last word in. When my appointment was over I sashayed through the waiting room, made eye contact with the verbal diarrhea patient, gave her a thumbs up and said, "I LIKE this doctor!". With that, I was out the door and headed for my car, hoping her appointment would be soon so as to save the other poor residents of the waiting room from her assault.
posted on Feb 5, 2012 1:47 PM ()
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