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Health & Fitness > Maple Leaf and Schneiders Natural

Maple Leaf and Schneiders Natural

Maple Leaf and Schneiders "Natural" meats contain no preservatives.
Cigarettes contain no nicotine.
Trans fats are good for you.
Ice is warm and the world is flat.

We just finished up a package of the Schneiders hot dogs. The package clearly states "No Preservatives Added" but that is just what sodium nitrite is and "cultured celery extract" is just another name for sodium nitrite. Now Schneiders is claiming, on their Facebook page, that they actually mean no artificial preservatives added. At least Maple Leaf claims they will be changing their package labeling in three months.

I'll be throwing away this package of cancerous sandwich meat we've been ingesting. I'm done. I won't be purchasing any more Maple Leaf or Schneiders products ever again. If I want a chicken sandwich I'll cook up a chicken.

Check it out:

posted on Feb 4, 2012 11:26 AM ()


Yikes! I've looked at the "natural" stuff, but never bought because of their high price. Better to cook your own real meat, then put that in your sandwich.
comment by crazylife on Feb 14, 2012 7:08 PM ()
Re McD's,it's a franchise. I think the dressing depends on the part of the country. Some parts dote on sugar in everything we were in Virginia) -- this dressing was like a chemical sweet sauce.
reply by tealstar on Feb 15, 2012 6:46 AM ()
I love hot dogs but monitor my intake to one or two a year. I think I can get away with that. I hate McDonald's. Ed and I were forced to get take out from there while on a trip and staying at a cheap motel because we had Brunswick with us. I ordered a fresh salad -- it was horrid. How can you ruin fresh salad? Icky-gooey dressing. I ate the apple. That was my dinner.
comment by tealstar on Feb 9, 2012 5:33 AM ()
I'm surprised that your salad was bad.
I've always gotten good salad from them, and the dressing is good too (Renee's or Newman's Own - I don't remember which you get). Just have to watch all the extras they give them - croutons and other high calorie processed junk to make it unhealthy.
reply by crazylife on Feb 14, 2012 7:06 PM ()
I miss Schneiders.
comment by mudmouse on Feb 5, 2012 1:07 PM ()
Lying sobs.
reply by nittineedles on Feb 5, 2012 1:52 PM ()
I used to eat McDonalds hamburgers too, but I can't go near the place after reading about the "pink slime" that was in them, which U.S. permits in human food but Britain doesn't. I'd never heard about it until recently. Gross.
comment by drmaus on Feb 5, 2012 12:36 AM ()
I wonder if that pink slime is allowed in Canada. Thank God I haven't eaten at a MacDonald's in 17 years.
reply by nittineedles on Feb 5, 2012 12:56 PM ()
Those processed products are made of all the left over bits of steer carcass, all mushed together. The bits come from many many corpses. It is impossible to guarantee that there is no prion-infected neural matter in the product. Prions are mis-shapen proteins in your cells that can cause other proteins to become mis-shapen and cause brain disease. It only takes a tiny bit of prions from diseased neural tissue to infect you with Creuzfeld-Jacob (mad cow) disease. The disease can take 20 years to develope before there are any signs or symptoms. There is a theory that Alzheimers is a prion disease caused by eating prion-tainted meat products. I try to avoid any ground up meat products, especially beef.
comment by nursekim on Feb 4, 2012 6:28 PM ()
We don't need to eat as much meat as we do anyway.
reply by nittineedles on Feb 5, 2012 12:54 PM ()
Some group recently paid for a billboard in Las Vegas: "One hotdog can kill you" based on the risk of colon cancer from smoked/preserved meats. So the other day I didn't let Mr. Youknow buy a 5 pound package of hotdogs. We're going to take it easy on them from here on out.
comment by troutbend on Feb 4, 2012 4:49 PM ()
It's put me off all packaged meats......hopefully, for ever.
reply by nittineedles on Feb 5, 2012 12:52 PM ()
It is very hard to find a good hot dog. Nathan's is our choice.
comment by elderjane on Feb 4, 2012 3:06 PM ()
I don't consume anything with any kind of nitrates. It is a Migraine trigger for me...
comment by hennaladykim on Feb 4, 2012 1:38 PM ()
I hope you haven't tried these "Naturals".
reply by nittineedles on Feb 4, 2012 3:42 PM ()
comment by hennaladykim on Feb 4, 2012 1:37 PM ()
comment by marta on Feb 4, 2012 11:45 AM ()

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