Even though he had to clean up the feathers and bloody little bodies Angel-Who-Isn't left after bringing home a new friend......THREE times in the past week.
So, Angel has been relegated to the dungeon that is our home.
The pet door is secure. She can no longer go out through it nor can she bring any friends back in through it.
As she napped until 4:00pm, she was blissfully ignorant of her situation until this evening.
Pleeeese may I go owt?
Angel, wistfully watching the birdies on the lawn.
Her sentence is two days hard napping. Daddy and the dicky birds need a break.
posted on Feb 3, 2012 7:53 PM ()
Angel on the stairs is just too sad. If there was any cat grounding attempted around here, it would last until we got that look. Last summer I saw the fox catch a bird on the fly - chomp, 2 seconds and it was over - feathers and all but a few fell out the side of his mouth. Likewise, he caught a rodent once, gone in a flash. I'd expected some cat-like playing, but nope, foxes are all business.
Angel is true to her catliness. Perhaps Hobby could have a meow with her.
Angel will adjust. My cats, saved from the cold cruel world by some kind person and rescued by me from a shelter, never go out. It's a mean world out there. __^..^____^..^__
Mine don't go out at all and don't even try to run out the door, just love sitting there and looking out. Years ago I had a cat that would bring grasshoppers. She would sit outside at the patio doors with this thing in her mouth, legs squirming everywhere and want in. I can't stand them because they will jump on you or fly in your hair. Yuck!
my elkhound used to bring in toads! and one time she caught a snake! ACK! I would rather have dead birds! poor angel who isn't, she is just misunderstood.
Don't cats just rebel and poop in your shoes? I thought they were animal anarchists.
My cats are afraid to go out. Two love the enclosed patio and the garage, the other just likes the house. When I opened the garage door the other day, Max, who was in there adventuring, turned into greased lightning and ran for the door. That's okay with me because he can get disoriented and not be able to find his way back. Also, down by the road, cats in that neighborhood have been preyed on, thrown in the canals, kidnapped.