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The Deed is Done
The Deed is Done
I have ordered my new spinning wheel. I got a good deal on it as the lady I ordered from doesn't do a large enough volume in sales to pay sales tax so she passed the savings on to me. She also told me she would be in town on April 11 and will deliver my wheel to me so there are no shipping charges either. That's a total savings of about $100.00 for me. I was telling DH how I was planning on continuing to save for an

Ashford Sliding Hook Flyer and an

Ashford Jumbo Flyer Unit (expensive little accessories for my spinning wheels) and he said I'd been a good girl last year so I should go ahead and order them too.*Grin*
Yesterday's spinning class was interesting. The drill and pencil crayon were used for transfering the newly spun yarn from one bobbin to another. Unfortunately, I can't use DH's drill because it's too heavy for me. My arthritis has been bothering me a bit in my thumb joints and it was rather painful to hold and operate the drill with one hand; the other hand being busy with guiding the yarn onto the bobbin. Maybe if I'm a good girl this year DH will buy me a proper

bobbin winder.
posted on Jan 30, 2012 12:30 PM ()
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