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Life & Events > My Perfect World

My Perfect World

Over the years I have, to a certain degree, learned to dismiss disappointments, slights and family drama. I tell myself that if I don't think about the bad stuff, it won't bother me and all will be right in my world. However, every once in a while the bad stuff piles up; being sick for a week, turning 60, being sick the day I turned 60, a family crisis that shouldn't involve me, guilt over refusing to babysit the grandkids, sadness and anger at being forgotten and ignored by someone so dear to me. Over the past three weeks my perfect world has come crumbling down around me. Even my knitting doesn't hold the same joy and satisfaction. It's become something I do to fill the days.

Someone, please smack me upside the head and remind me how wonderful, if not perfect, my world truly is.

posted on Apr 14, 2011 11:31 AM ()


Spring's coming and your flu symptoms will recede, those'll help. From your photos, I thought you were about 10 yrs younger than you report. That's cheating! I need a facial or something!
comment by drmaus on Apr 16, 2011 12:08 PM ()
Give angel a warm cuddle, (if she will permit it) and DH a hug and a kiss
and try to forget about the rest. Make a nice green salad of wilted
spinach from kitchentales recipe and read a good funny book. Settle down
with a funny movie.
comment by elderjane on Apr 16, 2011 6:29 AM ()
comment by jerms on Apr 15, 2011 9:06 PM ()
No matter how much I do for myself, or try not to care about other people's actions, it gets to you once in a while. Take care of yourself, and things get better.
comment by crazylife on Apr 15, 2011 2:20 PM ()
We all go through those "everything sucks" periods and hope they won't last too long. I hope yours is over very soon. Being sick does suck but turning 60 doesn't have to be so bad. I know. I think we all need a shot of good spring weather with sunshine to help cheer us up.
comment by islander on Apr 15, 2011 11:31 AM ()
well they say misery loves company so I am right there with you Marg. but lets look forward to better days. as they say, this too shall pass.
comment by elkhound on Apr 15, 2011 7:41 AM ()
Hey, dear one, you have to be positive because not doing that will make you feel worse. As for family, and those you thought you could count on -- I still get those disappointments and have learned to roll with the punches. So hang in -- things should "right" themselves and of course you have DH and the DDs and your kitty.
comment by tealstar on Apr 15, 2011 6:57 AM ()
I know where you are coming from. my life lately has been on much the same track. I keep hoping that with the coming of spring like weather, my outlook would improve....if spring like weather ever gets here.

yer sick and tired of being sick and tired pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 15, 2011 4:43 AM ()
I'm not one for smacking anyone, especially not dear souls like you, Marg. I send you a ((((BIG HUG)))) instead, coupled with a wish for you to find and a belief that you will rediscover brighter, sunnier times. I think you've been a bit overwhelmed, and naturally depressed by all the upsets. So rest, nap, take your vitamins, walk in the sunshine, watch a favorite, funny movie, and believe you will feel better. You will!
comment by marta on Apr 14, 2011 8:47 PM ()
Hi Marg like Laura I hope its just the flu talking your an amazing women and bring so much joy to so many people with your smile your personality and you knitting I know I look forward to reading your posts and hearing about your life heaven knows its far more exciting than mine sometimes people don't realize that what there doing makes us feel down and neglected so just a gentle reminder that we are here and have feelings to can go a long way to hopefully improving relationships I hope things improve soon and get back on track. *HUGS*
comment by janeway4eva on Apr 14, 2011 3:18 PM ()
Bless your heart. I hope it's just that the flu wore you down so the rest of it piled on. Not to belittle the trauma of those other things. Big hugs and best wishes. If there's anything any of us can do, let us know.
comment by troutbend on Apr 14, 2011 2:49 PM ()

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