I knew it would happen some day. I sent off a parcel to one of my Etsy customers and she claims it never arrived. I explained to her that it's only been two weeks, in the middle of the post office's busiest time of the year and things can get hung up at customs (She's in the US) but she insists it's been three weeks and a parcel she sent by the US post office arrived in Victoria in one week. I'm not going to argue with her. I will be knitting her a new item at no extra cost to her as I do believe she hasn't recieved her purchase yet but I wish she would wait a little longer. Then again, I've had a few things go missing in some swaps and it's always when I'm mailing to the US. Once I send a hand knit bookmark in a legal size envelope and the lady let me know she received the note I had sent and the envelope but the end of the envelope had been slit open and the bookmark was gone. I've never had a problem mailing things to Great Britain, Spain or Australia; just the US. Makes me wonder if the US Postal Service needs to tighten up on their security. Pardon me while I go change my Etsy Shop's policy.