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Life & Events > *Insert Curse Word Here*

*Insert Curse Word Here*

I knew it would happen some day. I sent off a parcel to one of my Etsy customers and she claims it never arrived. I explained to her that it's only been two weeks, in the middle of the post office's busiest time of the year and things can get hung up at customs (She's in the US) but she insists it's been three weeks and a parcel she sent by the US post office arrived in Victoria in one week. I'm not going to argue with her. I will be knitting her a new item at no extra cost to her as I do believe she hasn't recieved her purchase yet but I wish she would wait a little longer. Then again, I've had a few things go missing in some swaps and it's always when I'm mailing to the US. Once I send a hand knit bookmark in a legal size envelope and the lady let me know she received the note I had sent and the envelope but the end of the envelope had been slit open and the bookmark was gone. I've never had a problem mailing things to Great Britain, Spain or Australia; just the US. Makes me wonder if the US Postal Service needs to tighten up on their security. Pardon me while I go change my Etsy Shop's policy.

posted on Dec 23, 2011 3:50 PM ()


I don't mail money or stuff, so I am upset to learn there is that kind of theft going on. With budget cuts, I doubt it will get better.
comment by tealstar on Dec 29, 2011 6:31 AM ()
My goodness the Post office is horrible. I have a bill missing that I badly
need and the mail probably went to a neighbor.
comment by elderjane on Dec 26, 2011 6:37 AM ()
Every time we get a new mailperson the house on the street behind us gets our mail and we get theirs because although the streets are different the house numbers are the same. It must be a very boring job for them to fall asleep while walking.
reply by nittineedles on Dec 26, 2011 9:55 PM ()
What does Etsy stand for? I'm behind times, surprise, surprise.
comment by solitaire on Dec 26, 2011 5:44 AM ()
I have no idea what it stands for but Etsy is a venue for selling crafts, craft supplies and vintage items. It's not as money grubbing as eBay and a little higher class.
reply by nittineedles on Dec 26, 2011 9:51 PM ()
I've had things take 4 to 6 weeks between Canada & US.
comment by crazylife on Dec 24, 2011 9:34 AM ()
I tried to tell her but she's not listening.
reply by nittineedles on Dec 26, 2011 9:52 PM ()
The USPS is notorious for theft and damage.
comment by hobbie on Dec 23, 2011 6:10 PM ()
NOW you tell me.
reply by nittineedles on Dec 23, 2011 7:44 PM ()
I've heard of grandmas putting cash in greeting cards and the cards getting delivered without the cash. Apparently there is/was a way to take some kind of sharp object, stick it in the merest slit in the sealed envelope, twirl it, and pull out the $5 bill. Supposedly didn't happen with checks, so my question was how did they know, just looking at the envelope, when it was cash vs a check.
comment by troutbend on Dec 23, 2011 5:08 PM ()
Good question.
reply by nittineedles on Dec 23, 2011 5:11 PM ()
Words of wisdom for me, and food for thought, as I'm opening my own Etsy Shop sometime in 2012. I never have had trouble with UPS or Fed Ex or had delivery failures with the USPS personally, maybe some delivery delays, but no failures. But it's a concern. I much prefer the online tracking which offers shippers and buyers some security. The USPS has some issues, which may get worse as its budget gets tighter and tighter and branches and mail handling centers are forced to close and consolidate.
comment by marta on Dec 23, 2011 4:18 PM ()
Once you give your customer the tracking number you have completed your end of the transaction. If the parcel goes missing it's up to the customer to deal with it. I had no policy in place so I feel obligated to knit another item for this lady. Please let us know about your Etsy store when it opens.
reply by nittineedles on Dec 23, 2011 4:50 PM ()

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