When I designed my Ribbons and Lace Christening Gown I was knitting it as I wrote down the instructions. However, it was at a particularly stressful time in my life and I didn't trust my powers of concentration. So, to double check the accuracy of my pattern I knit a second Ribbons and Lace. The first one sold almost two years ago, shortly after I opened my Etsy store but, although the second received many koodos from looky loos it remained on the shelf.....until last week. I finally sold it for the price I wanted (a good sized chunk of my inventory costs) and mailed it off to Ireland this morning. It's nice to sell something at the Craft Market but I find it very interesting that folks in Ireland, Scotland, Australia and Spain also like my work. This year's project is to design four new patterns; two baby shawls and two matching Christening Gowns. I'm hoping the prototypes sell quickly.