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Busy Start to My New Year
Busy Start to My New Year
Resolution "#4 Spend more time on the computer.", from my previous article, has already bit the dust. I have shawl and Christening gown designs exploding in my brain, trying to get out. I'm currently working on a new blanket design. A shawl to match a vintage Christening gown is still in the planning stages and so is a Christening gown to match a vintage shawl. My patterns are selling tremendously well on Etsy and soon Ravelry. I've made enough money since mid September to buy a new spinning wheel, a portable one I can transport in the car. I'm holding off buying it only because I've seen a few more toys I want. This success has got my designer juices flowing and I just cannot knit fast enough. So, if I don't comment on your blog or if I don't reply to the comments you've made on my blog please rest assured my friends. I am reading them.
posted on Jan 4, 2012 7:57 PM ()
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