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My Vacation Purchases
My Vacation Purchases
I'd been saving all year for this vacation. No, not for the plane tickets across country and back, not for the car rental for 22 days, not for the Bed & Breakfasts we stayed at every night and not for the restaurant meals we ate every night but one. I was saving for much more important things such as this:

from an East Indian shop in downtown Halifax, NS.
and this:

This cast iron kitty door stop piqued airport security's curiosity but the officer who searched my bag thought it was cute.
but most especially this:

Front row L to R:
3 skeins Lamb's Pride worsted weight
2 skeins Briggs & Little hand dyed worsted weight
1 ball On Your Toes fingering weight
1 skein Ultra Alpaca fingering weight
Extra large knitting spool for making mats
Felted Kitty kit
2nd row:
2 skeins Lily Rose Woolens from Mayfield NB fingering weight
3 skeins Fleece Artist lace weight
2 skeins Lismore Sheep Farm worsted weight
2 skeins Ultra Alpaca fingering weight for me to dye
1 skein London-Wul Sari Silk
3rd row:
2 1/4 lb raw alpaca (raw means fresh off the beast aka unwashed)
1 1/2 lb batt of alpaca, mohair, merino, quivit (Muskox), silk
1 1/4 lb superwash merino rovings
1 1/4 lb superwash merino rovings
1 1/4 lb superwash merino rovings
Beige blob in the back is 1 lb of natural coloured wool rovings.
Don't ask me what it all cost because I'm not saying. Now, please excuse me while I go roll around on my woolly bed.
posted on Aug 27, 2011 9:24 PM ()
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