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I Thought I Had Nothing to Say
I Thought I Had Nothing to Say
When you've finished your ironing, and dishes, and floors,
When you've fed all the kids and got them out of doors,
When you've baked all the pies and got baby to nap,
When you've vacuumed the rugs and fixed dripping taps,
When you've finished the shopping and started the meal,
When you've finally sat down and your headache's unreal,
In walks hubby from work with a look of dismay and inquires
What HAVE you been doing all day?
They say it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable. But couldn't something be worked out, such as being moderately rich and just moody?
It is a good thing to take things as they come......if you can handle them that fast.
THANKSGIVING THOUGHT: All that turkey, mince and pumpkin turns your thin kin into plump kin.
A Young Lady's Dos and Don'ts - 1895
- fidget in company
- use a loud voice
- talk with gesticulation
- squint, wink or twitch
- cross knees or feet
- yawn or stretch
- finger your buttons
- keep hands crossed or folded in the lap
- converse calmly and in subdued tones
- lie in bed with hands folded and eyes shut when sleep is impossible
A trend towards closed motor cars has now reached the monopoly stage in Canada. In 1937 closed cars constituted 99 per cent of the entire production, more than half being four-door sedans. Star Weekly, 1938
To err is human; to refrain from laughing, humane.
We may live without poetry, music, and art;
We may live without conscience and live without heart;
We may live without friends; we may live without books;
But civilized man cannot live without cooks.
He may live without books - what is knowledge but grieving;
He may live without hope - what is hope but deceiving?
He may live without love - what is passion but pining?
But where is the man who can live without dining?
And last but not least (I think it's my favourite):
Those who complain about the ways the ball bounces are often the ones who dropped it.
posted on Nov 8, 2008 7:42 PM ()
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