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That's All She Wrote

About Me

I am an extremely happily married, 46 year old mother of three children and grandmother of two.

I have been married to my fabulous husband for over 11 near-perfect years. We were friends in high school and found love with each other almost 20 years after we graduated together. He is very funny, extremely easy going, generous, and CUTE!

My oldest daughter Lauren (24), is married & has two children. She's a certified medical assistant at a pediatricians office. She is in nursing school to finish her degree. My 2nd daughter Sara Beth (17) is a senior in high school this year. She'll be attending college soon starting her long continued education to become an orthodontist. My baby boy, Jake (15) is a sophomore, plays Lacrosse for his high school and wants to be the chef in his own restaurant some day.

I am blessed to have terrific and supportive relationships with my close-knit family & wonderful group of friends.

Most of my days are joyful, happy ... and pretty darn great... And... That's All She Wrote.

Terri Marusak Priest

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