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That's All She Wrote

Life & Events > A Letter to Whom it May Concern (Or Call Out)

A Letter to Whom it May Concern (Or Call Out)

There are people out there that don't like me.... Wait... what?!? I know! For real, right? No... really. There are folks in this world who actually spend precious time in their day to think about 'not' liking me.

And it's not because I'm a mean or hurtful person. There are haters, who apparently dislike me, simply because I'm happy. Because I love my husband; Because I have well-behaved children; Because life looks easy for me; Some peeps don't appreciate my bubbly-ness or my 'glass is always half full' mentality. They dislike my personality traits, like smiling too much, laughing too easily, talking too much while talking too L-O-U-D-L-Y, for which I might add is an inherited trait... a disability if you will, of which I should not be held responsible for, cause it's really not my fault... I was born loud... but,... I digress,... and lower my voice... while halfheartedly 'talking' much less for the haters. The truth is.. I CHOOSE to be happy. And that choice didn't come overnight.

I've paid some dues in this lifetime... At a very costly price,... But it's easier to take misfortune in stride when you surround yourself with people you've created a happy life with. Let's be real... My marriage isn't perfect. My children aren't perfect. I argue with my sister now and again... But I will celebrate the blessings in my life when they are present. I refuse to hold back my happiness. What kind of selfish fool would I have to be if I didn't take note AND SHARE the good news with others? There's a difference between bragging & sharing. My intent is to acknowledge what's happy in my life and voice it. To share it with others in the hopes of spreading a little cheer, a little laughter, or a little 'hope' of their own, if needed. Some people are simply gonna have to get over me and start creating their own happy life. Sharing in happiness should be a gift between true friends, not something they want to knock you down a peg or two for.

So don't be indignant and self-righteous... or talk about me behind my back in regards to this 'letter'... unless of course, my message sincerely applies to you.

posted on Nov 6, 2010 8:23 AM ()


Your "glass half full" reminds me of blogger jeri, an optimist I have admired because of that for years.
comment by susil on Nov 8, 2010 10:22 AM ()
I choose optimism. It makes me feel better.
reply by shesaidwhat on Nov 8, 2010 10:27 AM ()
Great philosophy, great outlook. Hurray for you, Terry!
comment by solitaire on Nov 7, 2010 6:11 AM ()
Thanks Randy. It seems easier to just be me as I 'mature'
reply by shesaidwhat on Nov 7, 2010 7:30 AM ()
The way others view you does not matter at all; what is important is how you view youself and your actions. The fact that you are a happy person shows in your face; it's obvious.
comment by gapeach on Nov 6, 2010 7:51 PM ()
Thanks Nancy. I try not to care what others think... just wish they'd mind their own business
reply by shesaidwhat on Nov 7, 2010 3:16 AM ()
You rock. I am happy you are happy!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 6, 2010 2:57 PM ()
It's the other HAPPY people in life that have the capacity to share in someone elses joy.
reply by shesaidwhat on Nov 6, 2010 3:34 PM ()
Or as the more coarse of us would say…Phuck ‘Em!...
comment by kjstone on Nov 6, 2010 9:32 AM ()
that works too
reply by shesaidwhat on Nov 6, 2010 11:22 AM ()
comment by marta on Nov 6, 2010 9:21 AM ()
ever supporting Marta
reply by shesaidwhat on Nov 6, 2010 11:22 AM ()
I hate you,I hate you,I hate youI understand this very well.Even I at my age people look at me and think that I am some sort of weirdo.Look they say to me,why do you dress up like a young person,what?
What do old people wear?They are envious for I am not fat or overweight and not walking in a walker
How do you stay so slim,Look honey I work itI get sick of tired hearing this.Yes,I smile and laugh most of the time.Why?because I am happy with myself.So,Terri continued to laugh,smile etc.
They can all eat cake.Good post.Always keep them Laughing
comment by fredo on Nov 6, 2010 8:37 AM ()
You got it Fredo. I will continue to be ME
reply by shesaidwhat on Nov 6, 2010 11:22 AM ()
We have a saying in recovery: "YOUR opinion of me is none of my business". In case anybody doesn't get it, it means that you (not any you in particular) can think what you want about me--you are entitled to your opinion. Speaking strictly for myself (who else could I speak for anyway?), that doesn't mean that I don't consider what others think, but I don't let it rule my life either. I'd offer my opinion of *YOU*, Terri, but after what I just said you probably wouldn't pay attention anyway.
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 6, 2010 8:33 AM ()
Great point(s) John. When I was younger I used to care about what people thought of me (way too much). But now that I'm older, I don't spend too much time worrying about it. What I find interesting though, is while I 'grew up' and learned things and evolved as a human being, etc... I am sadly made aware that even though people are my own age, they seem to be lacking in what I learned along the way. In other words, they are still in that immature mode of gossiping, judging, talking behind others backs, etc. And by the way, I always pay attention to what you have to say.
reply by shesaidwhat on Nov 6, 2010 11:28 AM ()

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