Well y'all... recent trips to that old blog site revealed slim chances of finding the folks I had once enjoyed chatting with on a daily basis. I accidentally fell across this NEW blog site and found almost all my old friends.
I can't believe it's May already. I can't believe the last time I felt like posting or sharing my feelings about anything at all was around Christmas.
Some crappy stuff has been happening in my life involving my family and I just couldn't write... the words wouldn't come... I've dealt with a cancer diagnosis of an immediate family member, a suicide attempt of an immediate family member, some issues with my oldest daughter, a dear friend loosing their home to foreclosure, and of course the ongoing sadness of dealing with my ex-husbands horrible wife.
But... spring has sprung (Finally) here in the north. I feel like coming out of my shell of silence and I think I'm ready to start living and laughing again.
Can't wait to check in with everyone. A lot can happen in a few short months. So much can change in a 1/2 a year...