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That's All She Wrote

Life & Events > The IRS or a Root Canal?

The IRS or a Root Canal?

A letter from the IRS or a Root Canal?

Hmmmmmm.... which one to choose?

Oh wait a minute!! I GOT BOTH!!!

Oh what fresh hell is this??

Part of my "crappy" last few months consists of both of these "events"!

So... which was worse?

Hands down, the root canal.

The letter from the IRS turned out to be a "fixable" mistake that we made on our 2006 tax return. This has been taken care of... whew! But I have to say... when I saw the FAT white envelope and started to open it... my heart was literally beating loud enough to hear it and I had to hold the letter far enough away from my face, as I feared I would vomit on it, and then not know what kind of trouble I was in!

The root canal? NOT FUN!! I'm pretty sure I've made it quite clear on the other site that I absolutely HATE going to the dentist... but I do go... every 6 months... So when my jaw started hurting just 4 months after my last check up, I was just sure I had oral cancer. When my dentist pulled up the ex-ray and said, "Terri... you have to have a root canal"... well... I just started crying. Really crying ... real tears... streaming down my face.

My dentist was just so sweet. He's got to be in his late 20's... cute as can be, empathetic, concerned, sympathetic... I either want to marry him or adopt him. He asked me what I was so upset about? I could tell he was just beside himself because I was crying... like unexplainable crying.

It wasn't JUST about the root canal at that point... I just cried cuz I had JUST had it. Enough with the bad news. Enough already... what in the world could I have possibly done to deserve this?

My motto is "what comes around goes around". I say it all the time for both the bad and good in this world. But what has been coming around to me lately nearly took me down. Was I an axe murderer in another life? It's the only thing that explains my sudden, compacted, "give it to me all at once" run of bad karma.

I've been a grateful person up till now. I've been a tolerant, giving, forgiving person up till now. I've let go of anger. I've let go of animosity. I've just let go. I'm not in control here. And the minute I stopped questioning "it"... the minute I just "let go".... things started getting better. I started getting better.

Life happens. I have to learn to accept it as it happens. I'm not in control of it. I'm only in control of how I deal with it... good or bad.

That's All She Wrote ... For Now ...

posted on May 15, 2008 5:46 AM ()


I guess that's why they say "the straw that broke the camel's back". It doesn't have to be a huge thing... but when one bad thing happens after another and another and another... everyone reaches a breaking point. The good news is you're human.
comment by mellowdee on May 16, 2008 1:16 PM ()
I cried this morning over toe nail polish...So, I get that. It's a release.Learning to let go and allow things to happen as they will and as they should is one of the hardest lessons we have to learn...really, how to trust...and the worst part is that the lesson never stops, does it? We are taught and reminded over and over again to trust and believe.I once read the quote, "If the only prayer you ever said in life was, 'thank you', that would be enough" and that has become my motto. Easy to say thank you when things are going well, not so easy when things are hard and sh*tty. But it's when things are hard and sh*tty, that we *learn* the most.And now I'll climb back over to my own blog...sorry...
comment by janetk on May 15, 2008 10:26 AM ()
Glad to see you over here..
comment by elfie33 on May 15, 2008 7:48 AM ()
"I'm not in control here." One of the most important lessons we can learn in life, and you figured out where to go from there!
comment by jjoohhnn on May 15, 2008 7:20 AM ()

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