In case you didn't know...
Christmas lights SUCK!
Do not be fooled by the advertisement on the box that states, "when one light goes out, the others stay lit."
Do not be lulled into a safe assumption that these particular Christmas lights will not pose any problems for you in your decorating frenzy. The box is ONLY advertising HALF TRUTHS.
While it may be true that when "one" light goes out, the rest stay lit...
What they FAIL to tell you is that when half the strand goes out...
and it stays out, no matter how many times you shake your strand!
leaving you standing there, stranded with your stupid strand of half-lit lights.
And those extra bulbs they send you? And those tiny fuses?? USELESS!
There is a conspiracy to get people to buy lights EVERY year.
I ought a wrap my useless strands around corporate necks & strandle them!