Well... summer vacation is officially over with the kids back in school today. WOW! That went crazy fast!
This has been one of the nicest summers of my life. Happy, healthy and stress free.
We didn't do anything spectacular as far as vacationing goes, but we had many fun moments & days. Lots of getting together with family & friends. Hours in the pool, listening to music or The Tigers. Bon fires & BBQ's. I'm sorry to see the end of summer, but I love Fall and all the fun that goes with that.
My Mom is coming to visit this Saturday. She'll be in for two weeks and I'm really excited to see her. We have fun stuff planned together.
The kids are doing terrific. They seemed to grow in maturity so much this year. I'm really proud of them. They do their chores as expected and help out around the house. They're polite, respectful & loving.
My husband is as wonderful as ever. We celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary on July 25th. And almost everyday of our life together has been happy. So grateful to have him as a husband and friend to me and step-dad to the children.
Well... That's how I spent my summer vacation.
I hope you've all been well.