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I Quit!
I Quit!
I have a job. Every Friday morning I deliver 78 newspapers to homes and businesses in my neighbourhood. I got the job because I figured if I have to walk for my health I might as well get paid for it. I've had this job for almost two years and everything was hunky dory until the first Friday in September when I had a load of unfolded newspapers dumped on my front porch. Usually the papers are folded in half with approximately an inch worth of flyers tucked inside. I had to remove the flyers, fold the paper and tuck the flyers inside, myself. It added an hour to my job, for which I don't even get paid minimum wage. I found it painful, for my thumb, to fold 78 papers and I greatly resented putting in an extra hour of work for no extra health or monetary benefits. I was going to phone the newspaper office and ask them if they would like their boss to suddenly tell them they had to come in an hour early to clean the offices and make coffee for no extra pay. The unfolded papers wouldn't fit in my granny cart. I would have to make three trips if I used the delivery bag and if you don't get a good grip on the paper all the flyers slide out. I had worked myself up enough that I was going to tell them, "I quit!" and the very day I was going to give them the bad news I received a phone call from them informing me of this honour.

This morning I found a new way to deliver the paper which is easier than it was so I guess I'll keep working until my knee or thumb give out.
posted on Oct 1, 2010 11:56 PM ()
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