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Business > Professionalism or Lack There Of

Professionalism or Lack There Of

Last year, in April, while DH and I attended the local Home Show we came across this fellow, from Nanaimo, who was selling retractable screen doors. Not the Phantom brand we had on our front door but Wizard brand. I have always found the Phantom door to be difficult to open, requiring both hands to grasp the meager bit of plastic used for pulling out and retracting the screen whereas the Wizard door had a proper handle I could wrap my fingers around.

Wizard Retractable screen door open. The screen rolls up like a venetian blind on it's side and is tucked away in the housing on the right side of the door frame.

Wizard Retractable screen door closed. Butterfly sticker is to prevent people from trying to walk through the screen.

As this fellow was having a special, whereby if you placed an order while the Home Show was ongoing you would get a nice discount on the price, we arranged for two to be installed on our back doors. He came on May 5th and installed the retractable screen doors. A few months later I began corresponding with the dealer.

July 12, 2010

On May 5, 2010 you installed two Wizard retractable screen doors on our home. Due to the unseasonably cool, wet weather we didn't have many opportunities to use them. However, we have tried to use them a lot this past week and have discovered the magnetic catches are not working very well. Sometimes the basement door won't catch at all and both doors will suddenly and noisily retract for no apparent reason. We want to have this problem fixed.
Thank you.
*He phoned and made an appointment to come out and have a look at the doors. While here he said the problem was that we had angled door franes so the magnetic catches weren't flat and also, the wind was causing them to open.*

August 8, 2010

Hi again,
The doors are holding much better since you adjusted the magnetic catches. However, the upstairs door is occasionally still slamming open on it's own. I think it would be best if you added a magnet to each door, as we discussed, the next time you're in Port Alberni.
Thank you.
August 11, 2010

Hi, No problem next time we are in the area we will take a look. Mike
March 24, 2011

Hi Mike,
It's me again. The temperature is starting to rise and I expect we'll be wanting to use the retractable screen doors soon. I do hope you haven't forgotten about us.
April 6, 2011

Hi marg, We just checked your invoice from laast year to see what colour doors you have. We notice you have linen. We do not have any linen housings for the magnets whcih we will probably end up replacing for our new style. We are heading over to the factory in preparation for our Victoria show next week and will pick up some. We should be able to be out your way shortly after but will give you a call to confirm. Mike
*More than a year has passed since the doors were installed.*

May 12, 2011

Dear Mike,
I would like know the date that you will be coming to fix the doors.
May 12, 2011

Hi Marg, Sorry been swamped with trade show season. I will be there next Thursday around 11 am. If that does not work for you let us know. Mike

May 12, 2011

Hi Mike,
I will be here next Thursday, May 19.
Thank you.
*He came and installed a second magnetic catch on each door. Now, we fear the plactic handles I can wrap my fingers around will be ripped off the door or pull the molding off the door frame every time we try to open them.*

So, now we have waited over a year to use screen doors that are even more difficult to open then the Phantom door. All around it was a very dissapointing experience with the dealer and the doors.

posted on May 26, 2011 12:12 PM ()


Would love to have a garage screen door that would keep the bugs out (they then get into the house) but they are expensive. Meanwhile, we never open our house to the elements even on great days because being on the water means the humidity would destroy the piano over time. Happy for the whole a/c but do miss balmy breezes that can smell so good.
comment by tealstar on July 23, 2011 6:22 AM ()
comment by crazylife on May 27, 2011 7:50 PM ()
I've never heard of that type of screen door, but looks like they are available from Lowes (for one). It looks nice on your house, too bad you've had so many problems with it.
comment by troutbend on May 27, 2011 1:32 PM ()
comment by jerms on May 27, 2011 10:08 AM ()
We also have a Wizard retractable door on out kitchen door and thankfully haven't had any problems. However, we need to put a barricade in front when we use it or our dog (who is losing his sight as he ages) walks into the screen and it snaps closed. He doesn't like it when that happens. I've tried fastening things to the screen but he doesn't see those either. Poor thing.
comment by islander on May 27, 2011 8:24 AM ()
Get a used baby gate. Tartan may be able to see that and if not, at least he won't be scaring himself by slamming the door open. When we first got the Phantom door all the animals walked into it, at least once and it never slammed open. Tana actually charged right through it a couple of times. The screen just lifted up at the bottom and suddenly she was on the outside. She only did that when the mailman came.
reply by nittineedles on May 27, 2011 10:43 AM ()
And they say war is hell!!
comment by solitaire on May 27, 2011 5:26 AM ()
Grrrrrr. Glory, that's annoying, Marg. It appears to be a perfect, simple solution, and yet technically flawed in the end. Grrrrrr.
comment by marta on May 26, 2011 8:59 PM ()
fHeck, what can I say?
comment by elderjane on May 26, 2011 2:17 PM ()

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