My thumb is feeling better. It still hurts in certain positions but it is feeling much stronger and here's the proof:
The soon to be two year old's birthday cardi and yes, my bathroom walls are still Pepto-Bismol pink.
Back. No lady can be too young for a shawl. My soon to be six year old granddaughter will be getting this one for her birthday.
I wonder if I tore a ligiment. It's certainly taking a long time to heal.
posted on Oct 10, 2010 12:41 PM ()
I'm sewing a sparkly orange dress for DD's halloween costume. It's fun to dress the little ones!
I have had Tennis elbow at different times and rest seems to help more than anything. Aleve works for me if I take two each morning and two more at night.
More great shawls, beautiful. I have a similar problem with both thumbs -- the base of each hurts, the joint near the wrist -- and glucosamine with chondroitin definitely helps now, there is not nearly so much of an ache. Also daily ibuprofen. I don't grip things tightly, and when I pick up something like a wide bottle, I use two hands so I don't hyperextend my thumb. My pain developed from holding up books, reading in bed!
I just might have to see a therapist (physio) after trying to pry the frozen turkey apart.
I've had a sore shoulder since playing golf in early September. And earlier in the summer I had rakers elbow. My doctor referred me to a physiotherapist, so I'm hoping that helps. Maybe you need some therapy for your thumb?
Sorry to hear your thumb is still giving you trouble, if it's a damaged tendon they do take a long time to heal. Hope your not going to do more damage to it lifting that heavy Turkey. The girls will love their cute cardigan and shawl.
Call and ask what the results of the x-ray were. Don't assume they had nothing to say. They could have just forgotten to tell you. From what you have written, the medical care in your area is marginal.
Different pain relievers work for different people. I had more luck with ibuprofen than Alleve, but I think if it's an irritated tendon, only time will heal it. I bought one of those paraffin baths when my hand was sore but don't use it any more. Seemed like glucosamine helped, though.
Lovely pink things. That cardigan looks nice against the pink wall; you're hurt, but still cranking out the knitting. I'm doing gauge swatches.
Is it arthritic? Jeri swears by Aleve and I tried one this morning because of a sudden problem with my shoulder. Your work is beautiful.