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More Vacation Doings
The Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick were breathtaking.

Diamond Rock
That little red and yellow thing is a kayak.

The tide was on it's way out.

I stayed topside while DH clambered down to snap pictures.
The grey pebbly looking area is actually thousands of flightless birds migrating along a beach near Sackville, NB.

Minas Channel near Port Greville, Nova Scotia.

Cape d'Or, Nova Scotia.

Back to our son's home for our nine year old grandson's birthday party.

Beginning the eight mile drive across Confederation Bridge linking New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

Past the mid-point and the end is in sight....sort of.

MacAusland's Woolen Mill, Bloomfield, PEI

Washed wool coming out of the drying machine.

Their carding machine is a little bigger than mine.
We were allowed to wander through this mill that began spinning yarn in 1902.

Spinning the rovings into yarn.
The machinery looked to be the originals brought in when the mill opened.
Winding the yarn into skiens.

Dyeing the yarn.

MacAusland's wool blankets are world famous and oh so soft.

The red earth at this beach at Campbellton, PEI is caused by the iron content in the soil. It's rust.

Experimental windfarm Cape North, PEI
Difficult to see but there were dozens of windmills.

West Point Lighthouse, PEI
You can spent the night at this lighthouse turned inn.
Final installment tomorrow.
posted on Sept 8, 2011 12:15 AM ()
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We have red earth here too and a Red Earth Festival.