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Shopping > Sears Canada

Sears Canada

I will be chopping up my Sears card forthwith. Today was the straw that broke this camel's back. I have a guest from far away coming in November. Our guest room is all ready except for one little thing. The old curtain liners look like Swiss cheese. I know our guest will be needing to rest after arriving here and the room will need to be dark, a purpose the old liners no longer serve. So, on August 23rd I ordered three new pairs of liners for the three upstairs bedrooms. Today I found this e-mail from Sears:
Hello Ms. XXXX:

Thank you for your recent Sears order.

We are contacting you regarding an order placed with Sears Canada.

Before this order can be processed, it is necessary for us to verify some information with you. For security reasons, we are unable to verify this information through email.

Please be advised that your items are not guaranteed to remain available while your order is pended. The original arrival date of your order or a selected home delivery date may also be affected.

Best results are achieved by promptly contacting the Sears Help Desk at 1-866-816-1700 between the hours of 8:00 am - midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Should we receive no contact from you in the next 48 hours and your store accepts cod orders, your order will be sent out cash on delivery, at which point you can attempt to transfer to your account. If your store does not accept cod orders, we will send your order to the next nearest store which does accept cod orders.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Thank you for choosing Sears.


Sears Customer Service


I called the number and a machine answered and asked if I would like to use English or French. I pressed 1 for English and was connected to a real live person who's French accent was so heavy all I understood of her spiel was "Sears Canada". I told her about the e-mail and she asked if I had a ?????. I had to ask her to repeat that three times before I understood it to be a "Sears Mastercard card". I told her no and she asked if I had another credit card to pay for the curtain liners or would I prefer to pay COD. I gave her another card number and as she was saying good bye I said, "WAIT! Does this mean my Sear card is no longer usable?" to which she replied, "You'll have to talk to the credit department about that." and promptly hung up.

I got my first Sears card in 1971. I used it to purchase things at the Sears store in Burnaby. I used it to place catalogue orders. When I got married I submitted a change of name form and they sent my new husband (who had never owned or even applied for a Sears credit card) a nice shiny new card and I had to ask him to apply for a spousal card for me. Even waaay back in 1976 I was outraged by this treatment but when I complained to Sears I was told it's their policy to put the card in the husband's name. When my spousal card arrived I was ticked to see they had spelt my name wrong (Margerat instead of Margaret) When I complained about that they told me to ask my husband to send them a correction. I didn't bother.
So, Sears, I hope you can hear the snip, snip, snip of my Sears card and I will not be asking my husband's permission to cut up his as well. Don't think I'll be paying cash for future Sears purchases because there won't be any.

posted on Sept 1, 2010 1:25 PM ()


Sears seems to have gone way down hill. Stick it to them Marg.
comment by elderjane on Sept 2, 2010 11:34 AM ()
I did.
reply by nittineedles on Sept 2, 2010 12:42 PM ()
I can't say that I blame you. I never did like store credit cards. Now I'm inundated with emails from the few I have. SALE! SALE!
comment by solitaire on Sept 2, 2010 8:25 AM ()
Shhh. Don't tell them we got a computer.
reply by nittineedles on Sept 2, 2010 8:46 AM ()
that's the way Margi get stuck into em and tell em to wop their card where it hurts most
comment by kevinhere on Sept 1, 2010 9:31 PM ()
I did.
reply by nittineedles on Sept 1, 2010 11:07 PM ()
Remember when it used to be Simpson-Sears? No wonder Simpson buggered off.
comment by nursekim on Sept 1, 2010 9:09 PM ()
reply by nittineedles on Sept 1, 2010 9:15 PM ()
What a confusing mess. Maybe Sears customer service has suffered since they joined up with KMart, inventor of the Blue Light Special.
comment by troutbend on Sept 1, 2010 5:56 PM ()
In my opinion Sears sells Zellers/Walmart merchandise at The Bay/Neiman Marcus prices.
reply by nittineedles on Sept 1, 2010 6:29 PM ()
Please pursue a formal complaint. Google Sears Canada, or Google "contact Sears Canada" which may get you a page that has the information up front, and look for the name of an executive. Write them a stinting letter; please also ream them out for treating you like a second class citizen because you are female. Tell them they are living in the last century, and tell them you will talk about this experience with everyone you know, including your local newspaper.
comment by tealstar on Sept 1, 2010 2:04 PM ()
Already done. As a matter of fact I've already received a note from Sears:

"This note was generated by the Auto-Reply Facility from Sears Canada Inc.
Please DO NOT reply to this note.

Thank you for taking the time to contact Sears, your comments and concerns are important to us. We are reviewing your email and will respond back to you within 2 business days.
Your note with the following subject has been received.
My Husband's Account"

I don't expect to get any more satisfaction from Sears than I did from Safeway.
reply by nittineedles on Sept 1, 2010 3:08 PM ()
if you write a complaint letter to Sainsburys the supermarket I work for you get free gift vouchers as an appology
reply by janeway4eva on Sept 1, 2010 2:06 PM ()
oh dear lol I only deal with cash cards of any kind scare me Im to irresponsible to deal with credit lol I hope you give them a piece of your mind.
comment by janeway4eva on Sept 1, 2010 1:47 PM ()
I certainly did! Now if only I could remember which piece.....
reply by nittineedles on Sept 1, 2010 3:03 PM ()

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