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Port Alberni's Knit in Public Week
Port Alberni's Knit in Public Week
This week is World Knit in Public Week. I don't quite understand what the point is. I knit in public every Sunday at the Craft Market. I knit in public while waiting for doctors, DH, dentists, DH, optometrists, DH.....if the check out lines at Safeway were long enough I would knit there too. I knit on park benches, in my car, even retaining walls make handy, although not very comfortable, places to stop and knit. I don't leave my house without my knitting bag in tow. Today our LYS owner organized a knit-in down at Harbour Quay and four of us showed up. It was a bit cool and damp but I really enjoyed myself. The company was good and I restarted a rectangular cardigan I've been trying to knit since the end of January. I'm sure it will get interrupted again but at least I'll have a few more inches done. I forgot to take my camera but I will get some pics at the next one, on Thursday, if no one minds.
That reminds me. At last Sunday's Craft Market a tourist asked if she could take a picture of me spinning. I wish I had thought to give her my e-mail addy so she could send me a copy.
posted on June 12, 2012 5:44 PM ()
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