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Of Death & Dyeing
Of Death & Dyeing
Of Death
I have a moth infestation.......in my craft room! My precious wools and wool blends are in imminent danger of being devoured by icky moth larvae. I tried, in vain, to catch a moth I disturbed when I moved a ball of wool. Damn but they're speedy little critters. I spent this evening bagging up all my quality wools and they will be stored here for awhile:

No, this is not my cedar chest. It's my chest freezer in the garage. Nestled amongst the fish sticks, orange juice and coffee it will be safe. Research tells me four days in there will kill the adults, eggs and larvae but I don't think I'll take it out until I want to use it.
Of Dyeing
I spent four hours today dyeing a pound of my wool a slightly mottled blue.

The colour came out a little darker than I had hoped for but the mottling is perfect. It's a different process than dyeing for a solid colour and the first time I had tried it.
I added too much dye to the pot so when I realized the wool wasn't going to absorb any more of it I threw in a spare skein I had lying around.

There wasn't much dye left in the pot so this turned a pale shade of blue. Also, there was some streaks of yellowish coloured wool in it and those streaks turned a greenish shade. It's rather interesting and I'm sure I'll find something to do with it.
All of today's dyed wool is safely tucked away in my cedar chest to which I just added some fresh cedar balls.
posted on June 13, 2012 8:46 PM ()
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a wand and they would be gone. Your freezer idea is terrific.