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Oh God! Not Again.
Oh God! Not Again.
My low opinion of the JWs has dropped another notch. No, It's not because they caught me off guard. I usually see them coming and stand in the livingroom window, arms crossed and my head slowly shaking a non-verbal, "NO!" but they have been avoiding my house for several years (yes, I actually see them walk past my house). Years ago they used to send out a pair of middle aged men to try to convert the unfaithful. Then they tried it with young men. Next they tried the woman's touch and added a female to the mix. They are still coming in pairs but now it's a mother and daughter team. The mother stood at the bottom of the steps while her little girl, who looked no older then 10, proceeded to brightly explain that she had come bearing an invitation for me. Totally caught off guard I said thank you and accepted the folded pamphlet. I hope they come back. I want to tell that woman I think it's disgraceful that she uses her or any child that way. I think they got tired of people being nasty and slamming doors in their faces. They think people won't react that way towards a sweet looking, little girl. I suspect there are going to be a lot of traumatized JW children before they try another pairing.
posted on Apr 12, 2014 8:12 PM ()
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