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Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Last week I hosted the West Coast Weavers and Spinners Guild meeting at my home. The next morning DH found a single gold earring on the sidewalk in front of our house. I spread the word to the ladies who had attended the meeting but none of them appears to have lost an earring that night. The next step was to place an ad in the newspaper and so far I've had two calls from ladies who claim to have lost earrings. The first caller said can you describe it? I said no but you can. She said, "Well, it's gold.......and it' a diamond on it." I said, "This earring doesn't have a diamond on it." and she said, "Oh.......It's a ruby on it." I wanted to ask if she would like to make another guess but I just told her it wasn't her earring and hung up. The next caller told me she has lost three gold earrings recently. One in the shape of a dolphin, one round one and one shaped like a shell. I told her none of those descriptions matched the earring we found and bid her good bye. I'm so glad she's not a good friend of mine as I would not want to give her any earrings as a gift. I had a good look at the earring after placing the ad and now I don't believe it is even gold. If it were real gold there should be #k stamped on the back but there is nothing there. If no one claims it I might attach it to a gold chain as it really is a pretty earring.
posted on Mar 2, 2012 2:32 PM ()
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