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Hobbies & Games > How Dissapointing

How Dissapointing

I ordered my Ashford Traveller spinning wheel, sliding hook flyer and jumbo flyer. I wasn't expecting to get them until April 11th but they arrived early and not wanting to wait almost two months for them to be delivered to my door, DH drove me to Sydney (just outside Victoria) to pick them up at Honeysuckle Fibre Studio.

Top two boxes are the flyers and the bottom box houses the spinning wheel parts.

Boxes opened. Inside I found an unexpected free gift. The Ashford book of Folk Art. Just what I need to customize my wheel.

All of the better dealers give some free fibre with the wheels they sell and Dianne Cross was no exception.

The first step was to stain the spinning wheel parts a nice colour. I went to a paint store and the lady mixed the exact shade I requested, a pale, washed out teal.

I started with the largest parts, the wheel and the double treadle. By the end of day one I had teal fingers and was freezing from having the window open for ventilation.

I found myself some latex gloves and a warm, teal sweater and over the course of the week finished staining the rest of the parts.

The second step is to draw freehand and/or copy a design onto the stained wood but the book says I need a chalk pencil or graphite paper to do that and there is nowhere in Port Alberni that sells these items. So, here I sit, dissapointed and twiddling my green fingers until our next trip to the big city of Nanaimo where there, hopefully, are art supply stores.

posted on Feb 24, 2012 3:31 PM ()


Yay! You have it! Can't wait to see it finished. I love the look of the parts, so beautifully made. So happy for you. Barbara has offered some good tips. But remember, if you know exactly what you want, you can get hard to find art supplies like that on xoxo
comment by marta on Feb 25, 2012 5:00 PM ()
You don't need graphite paper .. just carbon paper, waxed paper (which makes it easier), and a stylus or pen. I always kept oa pen that was out of ink, so it didn't mess me up. Trace whatever pattern you want. Do that by putting the picture of it on a window or door, preferably in the sun, but at least in daylight, and attach it with scotch tape. Then, put a plain piece of paper over the top of that, and attach that with tape too. You will be able to see through the paper if it is sunny out, and see it easily. Just trace what you want. Then, use good old carbon paper - I wipe it down a bunch so it isn't very strong any more.. Put your carbon paper inky side down on the wood. Put the paper you traced over that, and a piece of waxed paper over that. Now you trace the pattern onto the wood. The purpose of the waxed paper is so you can see what you have traced and that way, you make sure you get everything. Then, just take everything off, and you're ready to go. If you have a good eraser, you can take the traced lines off by rubbing them out. Just make sure you paint inside the lines... If you put paint over them, and they show through, they are permanent..

If you are going to draw freehand, I always found it easier to draw onto a paper, and then transfer it onto the wood. If you do it directly on the wood, and get something wonky, you can't really fix it.

Also - when you are transferring the pattern to the wood, do NOT press very hard. Otherwise, you will leave a gouge in the wood..

If you have any questions, just drop me a line. You know my email address. Can you tell I have done a bunch of this??

Good luck!


One other thing... If you are doing something that is based in one colour, and you are going to do other colours on top, I always just traced the pattern one at a time.. It means you don't have the lines underneath and possibly have to work a lot harder to erase them.
comment by mudmouse on Feb 24, 2012 9:41 PM ()
Thank you for all this information. I had a look around town for some carbon paper but I don't think they sell it any more. All I could find was carbonless copy stuff. It's just as well. I should probably follow the instructions the first time around.
reply by nittineedles on Mar 6, 2012 12:29 AM ()
Your skills are awesome. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
comment by tealstar on Feb 24, 2012 6:33 PM ()
I never have the patience for the paint to dry. Was the sweater teal before you started?
comment by troutbend on Feb 24, 2012 6:09 PM ()
reply by nittineedles on Feb 24, 2012 8:59 PM ()
Is it possible to use a regular old piece of chalk or charcoal. Or maybe a pencil for this?? Or you could be brave and freehand it!
comment by hennaladykim on Feb 24, 2012 5:09 PM ()
It looks lovely...can't wait to see the design.
comment by elderjane on Feb 24, 2012 4:16 PM ()
hi marg instead of waiting why not try ebay or amazon they will deliver it for you and might be quicker than waiting till you go to the city its looking amazing by the way how do you feel about coming to mine to do some DIY lol
comment by janeway4eva on Feb 24, 2012 3:38 PM ()

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