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Too Much, Too Many
Too Much, Too Many
I have way too much yarn. I vowed not to buy any more but I still have a gift certificate for my local yarn shop, Let's Knit, that DH gave me for Christmas and what about all my not-yet-spun-wool? I have almost two kilograms of Merino and just under a kilogram of Blue Faced Leicester not to mention all the little 100g bags of dyed wool, the 200g of Alpaca and the plastic grocery bags full of dog hair.
I have far too many projects. There are six bags leaning against my bookcase. Each one contains the yarn and pattern for a specific project. There is another bag near my feet holding a pattern and an already started project. Then there are the three new design projects I have, not yet in bags but in my mind. That's a total of ten projects and there are no small items in there. They are all things like cardigans, shawls and Christening gowns. It will take a good two or three years to complete these projects.
Yes, definitely way too much and far too many.
posted on Mar 3, 2012 2:30 PM ()
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