Just a twenty minute drive up Beaver Creek Road is The Stamp River Provincial Park. DH and I took a drive out there this past Sunday as it was such a gorgeous day.
We missed the salmon run by a few weeks but it was still spectacular scenery.
The fish ladders help the salmon to climb the 30 foot falls to get to their spawning grounds.
The fish ladders are under the concrete walkway. You can look through the grating and see the deep, red salmon packed in like sardines when they are on their way to spawn.
This is where the fish enter the ladders.
The other side of the fish ladders.
Turbulent Stamp River.
Look up. Look waaaay up.
Look down. Look waaaay down.
Look around
and around
and around.
DH looking around.
Calendar worthy? I think so.
No, I did not throw my yarn stash over the trees. It's moss draped like tinsel on a Christmas tree.
Sun on the moss.
It appears as though someone has been yarn bombing in the forest but I like to think it's Mother Nature's way of keeping the trees warm this Winter by wrapping them in a blanket of moss.
I spent an equal amout of time looking down for slugs, ahead for bears and behind for cougars. Fortunately, this hiking trip was uneventful.
posted on Nov 1, 2011 4:03 PM ()
Your photos popped right up! Wish I could figure out how to post pics. Sweet!
Definitely calendar worthy scenery. I bet it was wonderful listening to the rushing water and birds singing. No cars, no horns blowing, no phones ringing; just peaceful nature sounds. Bliss!
Stunning photos -- the best of the north. Wish I could come up and see it.
Thanks for the gorgeous pictures Margaret, aren't we lucky to be living in such a beautiful part of the Country.
This is absolutely gorgeous. If Ted perks up enough, we may have to see it next year. Are the fish ladders natural? I never knew any of this and I am really glad you posted it.
Love all the mosses.
Beautiful pictures. I hope you get to see the fish sometime, that would be very exciting. And would probably make a person hungry for some nice grilled salmon with bourbon glaze.