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A Little Bit of This a Little Bit of That
A Little Bit of This a Little Bit of That
My thumb/wrist still hurts. I called the doctor for an appointment and I got one for Friday, THIS Friday, the 10th! That's less than a four day wait. Must be because all the kids went back to school this week. Dr Duck is retiring in November. I think he's about 50 years old. Must be nice. This should be the last time I ever have to see him. Woo Hoo!
DH and I were supposed to be trecking around Saltspring Island this week but work intervened. I keep telling him, "You're the boss. Delegate!" but there are some things he has to do himself, due to his profession. Maybe we can get away next week.....
I now have my babysitting schedule. On Mondays only, I pick up the eight year old at school, drive him home and wait for his twelve year old brother to come home from his school to take over the babysitting duties from me. About an hour and a quarter from the time I leave my house until I return. Very doable. I might even continue for the whole school year and not stop on my 60th birthday next April. That can't be right. I don't feel a day over 30.......except for the thumb/wrist thing and my knee when I walk too far or too fast and the shoulder ache and the loss of vision and the wrinkles and the grey hair.....
I went out to take some pictures of the old Camry in preparation for selling it and found these squatters when I opened the hatch:

It's amazing who moves in when they think the place is abandoned.
I was lucky I wasn't stung.
posted on Sept 8, 2010 1:46 PM ()
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