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It annoys me that I have to use the "Hobbies & Games" channel especially since I started spinning my own yarn. I only use it because most knitters wouldn't think to look in "Arts & Culture". Am I being vain? Don't answer that.

The tea cozy I knit for my local yarn shop owner, Jennie. She holds a weekly knitting circle in her shop and usually sets out a nice spread of munchies and a pot of tea for which we chip in a toonie before tucking in. I noticed her teapot had no cozy so I knit one for it in the shop's colour scheme.

My first purchase from her shop was four skeins of Malabrigo Sock yarn. A very popular yarn among well to do yarn snobs and for good reason. It is incredibly soft. The first thing I knit was a circular shawl which I will show you after it's been blocked. The leftover yarn went towards this baby outfit modelled by Liam, my forever baby.

I am currently working on the Monarch Shawl with the yarn I carded and spun from the dyed locks Kim gave me for my birthday. I'm only on row 36. There is still a lot more to do on this.
Thanks for returning our sun, Bob. I suspect I will soon be asking you to keep it as the forecast is for a very hot, dry summer. :o(
posted on June 3, 2011 11:21 AM ()
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Oh yeah, nice knitting too!
Glad you liked the sun, now send it back again!