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Port Alberni Crafters Market
Port Alberni Crafters Market
I need to get up at 7AM to be at the grounds by 8:00 when we are required to set up. At 9:00 the customers will be coming in droves....wouldn't that be nice.lol I hope I can snag a table in the shade as it's supposed to be sunny and warm tomorrow. I have three large totes of inventory. Two totes contain knitted items all priced and ready to sell. The third contains all the wool, hand spun and/or dyed also priced and ready to sell. The car is already packed with totes, chairs and table covering (sheet). I think I've thought of everything; cash float, lunch, knitting, book, snacks, water, hat and Tylenol in case of headache if I end up in the sun, camera, smile and pleasant attitude for those who stand in front of my table saying things like, "I've made that." and "Can you make this for me in green and size XL and different sleeves?" and "I can buy that for less in Walmart/Zellers." The Crafters Market lasts for five hours (9:00 - 2:00). I hope I can. Wish me luck.
posted on June 4, 2011 11:47 PM ()
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