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Crafters Market Aftermath
Crafters Market Aftermath

My table at the Crafters Market. I had too much stuff and couldn't fit everything on the table.
It was an interesting experience if not very profitable. I sold one yellow and white blanket:

One of the Baby Love Blankets I designed.
There was a lot of interest in the Ribbons and Lace Christening Gown but all those who gushed over it had no need for it.
My first prospective customer stopped at my table announcing that she needed some dishcloths. She rifled through mine to see which colours she liked and then realized I was selling them in sets of three identical cloths. She muttered that she wouldn't know which cloth she was using and walked away. Now, I would like to know who keeps all their dishcloths together on the kitchen counter and can only tell which is the used one by it's colour?
There were numerous folks who stopped to admire my wares and compliment my knitting skills, especially the lace work and there were a number who were intrigued by the items knit from dog hair but they all kept a tight grip on their wallets.
My lack of sales was typical for most of the 12 or 13 vendors that were there. The lady selling jewelry beside me had two sales of which I was one but the lady on the other side of me sold nothing. I think the lady in front of me sold an item.
I'll try again next Sunday. I hope business for all of the crafters might pick up when the tourists come to town in July and August.
posted on June 5, 2011 4:40 PM ()
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