I finally got the ratio of wool to dog hair good enough to spin a bit. I'm spending more time teasing the wool than anything else. I suspect it may have boiled a bit when I dyed it. Also, the spun yarn is very lumpy and I seem to have lost any spinning skill I had acquired over the past year.
The cat isn't helping.
I have an idea in mind for a new shawl design. I haven't designed anything in ages. Knitter's block? My insperation is the combination of all these colours. I'm going to call my new design, Port Alberni Shawl or maybe Alberni Valley Shawl. I can't wait to get started but I have three other items already started and have vowed not to start a fourth project until they are completed. *pout, pout*
Gorgeous colours!
posted on Mar 11, 2011 2:14 PM ()
Dog hair? what does it smell like when it is wet? Lumpy yarn can be fun, nobody has to know it wasn't on purpose.
I didn't know they had knitting videos.
Can't wait to see that shawl!! Love those colors!
I'm still thinking about sharpening those sticks (for marshmallows).
Love the colors. I kind of like the name Alberni Valley Shawl. If I had someone to help me, I might start knitting again. I have forgotten the little I knew.
It's so much fun to get that spark of inspiration from a lovely combination of colors or special yarn, like a breath of spring after a gloomy winter.
Yes they are gorgeous colours, they would be hard to resist