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Fun Fun Fun
The Handkerchief Cardi is still blocking. Hopefully I'll be able to wear it this weekend.
The Fluffy Mint Shawl I'm knitting is coming along nicely but it will take another two or three days to finish. At least there won't be any seams to sew.
I took a break from the knitting and dyed some yarn this afternoon. It's currently cooling on the stove and should be cool enough to handle after dinner. Once it's been rinsed, dried and wound into balls I'll take a picture of it for you. This yarn dying was actually practice for dying some Polworth fleece a light grey to match the dog hair Nursekim gave me. It's no secret. I'm sure she realizes I'm knitting her a keepsake with her beloved Shawny's hair. I need to dye the wool, card it with Shawny's hair, spin it and knit something.
Well, back to work.....er...I mean fun.
posted on Feb 2, 2011 3:35 PM ()
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