It turned out pretty good. I laid out the skein on plastic wrap, dyed the sections with a big basting syringe, rolled the dyed skein up in the plastic and steamed it, on the stove, in my dye pot. Then it gets rinsed, dried and twisted. Not sure what I'll knit with it.
The Polworth fleece is now cooking in my dye pot. I'm not sure I put enough grey dye in the pot and I may have to dye it again. If it comes out with, at least a hint of grey, I'll leave it. I just don't want to be carding the natural (yellowish) Polworth with the grey dog hair.
posted on Feb 3, 2011 11:16 AM ()
I have just had a thought. You know how you like using animal fur, well do you know of anyone who keep 'Angora' rabbits . . . hang on - or is it Angora sheep . . . Hhmmm. I ought to have checked first - but you know what I mean, I was thinking of you collecting some of their fur (or fleece).
What a yarn!
It will be lovely.
Oh my goodness, you are a genius. I just got an email from the yarn store about hand-dyed yarn on sale for $80/100 gm and there you are making your own.