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My Craft Market Stall
My Craft Market Stall
Port Alberni began holding a Craft Market in 2011. When I heard about it I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to get rid of the contents of three tote boxes. A lot of it was baby items and I had been told by my children that there would be no more grandchildren forthcoming. It was only $10.00 per Sunday and if I didn't feel like going I didn't have to. I had one table available which we set up under a covered walkway. On cooler days it was downright frigid as the walkway turned into a wind tunnel. I covered my table with an old tablecloth which was totally inadequate for the size of the table. A good day at the market meant I had sold at least $10.00 worth of merchandise and broke even. There were plenty of days when I sold nothing.
Craft Market Stall in 2011
I persevered and this year, Port Alberni Craft Market's forth year in operation, things have changed a little. I now have a shelter with walls to protect me from the sun and rain, three tables on which I display my wares, professionally made signage, generous, appealing table coverings, a custom made business card holder and a large plastic woven mat so I'm not stepping in oil or pine needles. Business is booming and I am having the time of my life.
Craft Market Stall in 2014
PS: I thought I was all set until I saw the last photo. Now I'm thinking I need a small clothing rack to display all the sweaters and dresses hanging from the roof.
posted on July 21, 2014 7:46 PM ()
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