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Anniversary Getaway
Anniversary Getaway
To celebrate out 38th wedding anniversary DH and I took a little trip west to Tofino. We started out on Monday afternoon after topping up the cat food bowls and unsuccessfully looking for Angel so we could say our goodbyes. DH was a bit worried we may not make it after seeing a snow advisory for Port Alberni and beyond.
Almost halfway there DH pulled into the Taylor River rest stop to get out and stretch a bit.
I snapped this picture of a snowplow going in the other direction. Man are they fast!
The snow covered trees were so beautiful.
Near the summit of Sutton Pass.
We stayed at the Wickaninnish Inn. Now THIS is what I call a resort.
Our room: king sized, pillow topped bed and couch on one side. Balcony at the end of the room with a view.
Other side of the room: corner gas fireplace, easy chair, long dresser/desk with concealed TV (push a button on the remote and the TV slowly rises from the top of the dresser) and various resort paraphernalia (coffee maker, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, mugs and uber expensive basket of water, chips, candy, etc). The little fridge contained bottles of pop, beer, red and white wine and an $80.00 mini bottle of champagne. The desk chair was made out of driftwood.
Late afternoon view from our room. No snow here.
This side of the bathroom shows the tub with a window to the main room for voyeur guests. There are wooden doors that slide closed for those guests who are non peepers.
Double everything with an assortment of quality shampoo, conditioner, lotions, etc from their spa.
A walk on Chesterman Beach the next day, after breakfast and my pedicure. Looking north you can see the round shape of The Wick's restaurant.
I'm the king of the castle and DH is hogging the binoculars. Tsunami warning siren in the upper left corner of picture.
Looking south down beautiful, sandy Chesterman Beach. No surfers today. I guess because the waves weren't high enough.
DH, still hogging the binoculars.
Three of the $2,000,000.00 beachfront cottages. I wouldn't mind living in one of those, any one. I'm not fussy.
Closeup of the tsunami warning siren.
Sunset from our balcony.
Still sunset from our balcony.
Aliens landing?
Don't know why DH took a photo of this fat, old woman with really bad posture???
Surge channel near the Black Rock Resort in Ucluelet.
Wednesday we stopped for a scrumptious lunch at Matterson House in Ucluelet, which made a nice change from the artsy fartsy food served at The Wickninnish. Afterwords we checked out the various shops and galleries. (Will post pics in my next blog.) Then we headed home to a green Port Alberni.
posted on Feb 28, 2014 9:53 PM ()
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