No, it's not my age.....anymore. No, I'm not referring to the number of weeks in a year. 52 is the maximum number of people who can stay at one of our local shelters. So, 52 is the number of hats I will be loom knitting this coming year. I did this last year and folks seemed most appreciative.
Last year I was trying to use up my odds and ends; bits there weren't enough of to do anything with. I still have some odds and ends left over but I find myself keeping an eye out for some nice looking yarns for the hats. I have already made a start.
Four down and 48 to go. (Yes, I know there's only three in the photo but I finished another last night.)
posted on Dec 19, 2011 2:24 PM ()
Oh, no, I only meant to denigrate spool knitting because I do it! I use a plastic kit from the store. It is classic, though, isn't it? I never learned how to knit until home ec in 8th grade, but even when I was a child my sisters and I had those old little wooden spools with a few nails in them. I'd like, in fact, to find a vintage one to buy.
How nice to be able to make them for people who need them. Loom knitting -- don't know what that is. I did find out how to spool knit a baby hat, though. I guess spool knitting is the lowest form of knitting.
The hats look great -- I am in awe -- how will you knit them all by Chritmas?
You'll be seeing them all over town. If you knit sweaters for them, you could knit an etsy ad on the back.
That is a lovely way to contribute to people who are homeless and need warmth badly. Besides that, they are very good looking.
I love 'em! Knit "sock" hats are very necessary in Indiana winters.
Wonderful thing to do and lovely gifts! Most welcome, for sure.
Very pretty, I really like the fall colors. I have several hats and mittens that I made in September, but haven't figured out where to donate them yet.