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Life & Events > Did Ya Miss Me?

Did Ya Miss Me?

The night of June 29th my computer acquired a trojan horse. My computer fix-it lady said she'd never seen one like that and took my computer home for repairs and some TLC. It took forever to get my computer back as the 29th was the friday night before our July 1st long weekend and also, the fix-it lady had to go out of town for a bit. I now have it back but it appears the trogan horse ate a couple of my pictures.

Grunhilda and I got our picture in the local, weekly newspaper.

We celebrated a grandson's 8th birthday and DD#1 had her 33rd birthday.

A road (and ferry) trip to Saltspring Island with some fibre friends has been postponed for two or three months.

Visited with Mom and sister Kim.

Last but not least, I have been knitting my fingers to the bone but that is another blog.

posted on July 15, 2012 10:37 PM ()


Glad you are back!
comment by crazylife on July 16, 2012 8:10 PM ()
Me too!
reply by nittineedles on July 17, 2012 5:31 PM ()
I missed you but assumed you had sneaked away with D.H. for a little
romantic getaway.
comment by elderjane on July 16, 2012 1:34 PM ()
I wish.
reply by nittineedles on July 16, 2012 1:39 PM ()
If you're looking for new anti-virus software (which sounds like a possibility) you might consider the free version of AVAST. It has served us well around here!
comment by jjoohhnn on July 16, 2012 8:05 AM ()
We were using Avast. Our fix-it lady thinks this trojan was so new, no virus protection knew about it yet. I could have bought a cheap lap top for the cost of the fix. Dam those virus creating, computer hacking so and sos.
reply by nittineedles on July 16, 2012 1:45 PM ()
You make a very good advertisement for that weekly craft fair because people might come just to see someone spinning. Yes, I did miss you very much, and I was starting to worry. All sorts of things were flashing through my mind. I am glad to hear you are all okay.
comment by troutbend on July 16, 2012 7:47 AM ()
Some of the tourists are very interested in the spinning but I think the novelty has worn off for the regulars. Now that we have some dry weather, it's getting quite busy at the craft market. My sales are better than last year. Since May 20th I've made a profit of $69.00. It's barely enough to keep me in yarn but I still enjoy getting out there every Sunday.
reply by nittineedles on July 16, 2012 1:54 PM ()
Glad you are back and the Trojan Horse is not! Great pictures of the two precious grandsons.
comment by redimpala on July 16, 2012 4:41 AM ()
Trojan Horses
reply by nittineedles on July 16, 2012 1:54 PM ()

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