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Annual Check Up
Annual Check Up
No, not the car, me. Yesterday I had an appointment for 10:00am but it was 10:45 by the time I got into his exam room. Then I lay on what felt like a morgue slab, covered with a little paper bolero and bath towel sized paper sheet for another 15 minutes before the doc came in. Today my back is killing me. I know it's from his most uncomfortable exam table waiting, stressed and anxious for the most distasteful procedure I have ever experienced......although, I still haven't been for my colonoscopy.... The good news: I only have to endure eight more of these exams before I'm considered too old to get whatever they are searching for. The bad news: I have to endure eight more of these exams. More bad news: I have a mammogram scheduled for Wednesday morning. I wonder how many more of those I have to suffer through. Now I just need to work up the courage to make a dental appointment.
posted on June 29, 2012 11:38 PM ()
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